Monday, April 28, 2014

My Favorite She's The Man GIFs

*Sigh* Today has been one of those days. I think it's because it's the first Monday after vacation and my teachers are being relentless with schoolwork. And I'm just in a crappy mood. To get myself out of my funk, I looked up funny movie quotes and found these GIFs of one of my favorite movies, She's The Man. I hope these comical pleasures will brighten up your day like they do mine!

Source: Wifflegif

Source: Whattalking

Source: Wifflegif

Source: Wifflegif

Source: Wifflegif

I hope you enjoyed these GIFs like I did! If you liked this post, share and follow The Daily Doozy in the links below!

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1 comment :

  1. I love She is the Man!
    one of my favorites! actually when i was looking at the gifs i heard in my head Amanda Bynes talking! I love it!
    keep the work going, i'll make sure to follow you on bloglovin to keep reading your posts!
