1. Half Up, Half Down Twist
For this hairstyle, all you have to do is take a chunk of your hair (I prefer using a small one) and twist it away from your face until you reach the back of your head. Then secure with two bobby pins and do the same on the other side and you're done!
2. The Gibson Tuck
To be honest, I had no idea this style actually had a name and I was shocked to find a picture of it on the internet because I kind of thought I came up with it. *shamefully acknowledges naivety* So, first, you twist back a small chunk of your hair on either side of your head and pull your hair back into a low ponytail. Secure the ponytail loosely and then split the ponytail above the elastic in half. Roll your ponytail up and then stick it through the hole you created above the elastic and tuck it in firmly. I suggest placing bobby pins in to secure it tightly. Loosen your hair around your face and on the back of your head and you're done!
3. Ballerina Bun
For this look, put your hair in a high ponytail and secure it. Then, split the ponytail in half a twist the pieces in on themselves. Take one of the pieces and wrap it in a bun formation around the other piece. Then take the other piece and wrap it the opposite way around the bun. Secure it with bobby pins and you're done!
I hope you liked the quick hairdos for those days you just can't spend time on your hair. (It's like everyday for me!) Don't forget to share this, follow the blog, and follow me on Pinterest! Have a great day!
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