My final purchase was Snackwell's fudge drizzled caramel popcorn. Just the name of the snack makes my mouth water. Each package is 130 calories and gives you a good enough amount that you feel satisfied after eating, especially when eating it with water. This snack is great for lunches or if you are running errands and need a quick pick me up in between meals. Snackwell also has white and milk chocolate covered pretzel and caramel drizzled popcorn, so you can vary your snacking!
Overall, the snacks are very delicious! My only con of them is that they are more expensive, so it isn't easy to eat healthy on a budget, but they weren't outrageously priced! If you are looking for more healthy packaged snacks, definitely check Target's snack aisle. They have the junk food there too, but you can tell by the packaging usually if it's healthy. If you know of any other healthy snacks worth trying, let me know in the comments!
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