I've been on an app kick lately because I'm going on vacation next week and I've been trying to download as many apps as I can to keep me occupied during my flights and down time. Luckily for me, there have been so many great apps released recently. I didn't really have any type of app in particular in mind, but I found some great games and a couple lifestyle apps that are perfect. Also, they're all free! I never have money on my iTunes cards, so I'm always looking for free apps. I guess I'm already living the broke college kid life.
First on the list is Instagrab. This is a pretty straightforward app for capturing pictures from Instagram. Some of my friends have posted awesome pictures of our senior activities and other cool stuff that I really wanted to save and print out. I just made an Instagram a few weeks ago, so I'm completely adept at using the site, but I figured out that you can't outright save pictures unless you screenshot. This app has been a godsend for saving photos for a collage I'm making for my dorm room.
My Cycles
I don't know about you, but I am awful at remembering to keep track of my period. It's like, really, really bad. I just lose track of the day it started and when it ends, so it's always a shock when I get it. This app is like many of the other period tracker apps, but my favorite part is that it has a birth control reminder. Not only do I suck at remembering my period, I really suck at remembering the pill. This app just makes my life 1000x easier.
iAssociate 2

Source: iTunes |
My Cycles
Source: iTunes |
I don't know about you, but I am awful at remembering to keep track of my period. It's like, really, really bad. I just lose track of the day it started and when it ends, so it's always a shock when I get it. This app is like many of the other period tracker apps, but my favorite part is that it has a birth control reminder. Not only do I suck at remembering my period, I really suck at remembering the pill. This app just makes my life 1000x easier.
Two Dots
This is one of those extremely addictive puzzle games that frustrate you to no end, but are so satisfying when you beat the level. It's similar to Candy Crush in that you have a limited number of moves. It's a quasi-sequel to Dots, but it's more complex than it's predecessor because it has levels and certain goals you need to reach in order to move forward in the game.
iAssociate 2
Source: Google Play |
This is another game sequel that I love. This app has actually been out for a while, but I rediscovered it in my game folder on my iPod. It’s a word association game that sounds boring, but is actually really fun. Each level has a theme, like cities across the world, colors, or websites, and it gives you a starting word. Around the first word are blank words that are associated with it. It tells you how many letters in the word and you have to guess what word it is. From there, there are even more words that associate from these words, so you create a web from the theme. I feel like it’s one of the only games that will make you smarter from playing it.
Source: heavy |
If you have seen Contagion with Matt Damon and Gwenyth Paltrow, then this game will sound very similar to you. In the game, you pick a name for a disease and where it will begin infecting people. Every time it infects and kills a certain percentage of the population or in a new country, you earn DNA points. These points can be used to increase the infectivity, resistance, and lethality of the disease. It is wicked fun, especially if you name the disease something funny like cheese or the name of someone you know. A part of me loves the ridiculousness of the game, but the other part of me is scared at how real this situation could be in the world. Other than that, it’s a fun game.
So, if you're looking for fun games or new lifestyle apps, definitely download these apps pronto. You won't regret it! If you liked this post, please share and follow The Daily Doozy in the links below!